算法导论 Chapter1&2

算法 什么是算法 形式上的定义 Informally, an algorithm is any well-defined computational procedure that takes some value, or set of values, as input and produces some value, or set of values, as output. 个人理解 算法是CS中很多技术的基础,也应该是CS的核心所在

MIT 6.824 Lec1 分布式:MapReduce

Introduction paper url: Why need distributed parallelism fault tolerance physical security or isolated Basic challenges concurrency partial failture performence Map Reduce 个人理解 MapReduce是一个比较直观而且可以分布式的编程框架,主要过程就是将数据(输入)分发

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数电设计和计算机结构:从0到1(第一章) 计算机的抽象结构 Application Software: Programs Operating Systems: Device Drivers Architecture: Instructions Registers Microarchitecture: Datapaths Controllers Logic: Adders Memories Digital Circuits: AND Gates/NOT Gates Analog Circuits: Amplifiers Filters Devices: Transistors Diodes Physics: Electrons 二进制 信息量 N种状态需要

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JavaScript学习总结 基础语法 js基础的语法和C/C++等众多语言类似,有8种基本类型: string number boolean null undefined object symbol bigint 以及流程控制和循环语句等: if switch